Gideon Litherland, PhD, MA, LCPC, ACS, CCMHC
Core Faculty/Clinical Training Director
Gideon Litherland, PhD, LCPC, NCC, CCMHC, serves as core faculty in the Counseling@Northwestern master’s program at the Family Institute at Northwestern University where he teaches, supervises, and serves on the distributed clinical training team. Gideon earned his PhD in Counseling from Oregon State University and his MA in Counseling Psychology from the Family Institute at Northwestern University. Gideon has served in multiple leadership roles within the Illinois Association for LGBT Issues in Counseling, the Alumni Advisory Board of the Family Institute at Northwestern University, and the Counseling Research and Leadership Lab at Oregon State University. His research interests include clinical supervision, instrumentation, psychometrics, and relational-cultural praxis.
Recent Presentations and Publications:
Litherland, G. & Schulthes, G. (2020). Research Focused on Doctoral-level Counselor Education: A Scoping Review. The Professional Counselor, 10(4), 414-433.
Fulmer, R., Calandriello, F. & Litherland, G. (2022). Psychodynamic Counseling. In R. Fulmer (Ed.), Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory and Beyond (pp. 13-52). Cognella.
Litherland, G., Schulthes, G., & Ng, K-M. (February, 2022). Fostering Counselor Leadership and Identity Development for Doctoral Students in Distance Formats. Presentation at the Counselor Education Distance Learning Conference at CONCEPT Palo Alto University.
Litherland, G., Schulthes, G., Lau, J., Ng, K-M. (October, 2021). Item Response Theory Applications in Counseling Research. Presentation at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta, GA.
Ng, K-M., Wolfgang, J., Litherland, G., & Schulthes, G. (October, 2021). Developing Research Competence in a Diverse Writing Collaborative Incubator Model. Presentation at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta, GA.
Litherland, G., Schulthes, G. & Muzacz, A. (September, 2021). Scoping Reviews: A Methodological and Reporting Primer for Counseling Researchers. Presentation at the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling in Cincinnati, OH.
Litherland, G., Neuer Colburn, A., & Mobley, A.K. (February, 2021). Designing Distributed Clinical Training Programs for Online and Hybrid Counselor Education. Presentation at the Counselor Education Distance Learning Conference at CONCEPT Palo Alto University.