
How to Become an Addictions Counselor

How to Become an Addictions Counselor


Want to learn how to become an addictions counselor? Becoming an addictions counselor comprises several steps. Learn more about each one.

Counseling vs. Social Work

Social Work vs. Counseling

Social work or counseling environments usually require at least a bachelor’s degree; professional careers in social work or counseling require earning graduate degrees.

Treating Depression in Couples

How couples can cope with depression

Rates of depression symptoms have tripled during the pandemic. And when one person in a couple is diagnosed with depression, both partners are affected. The cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) model can help.

Accelerated Counseling Degree

Accelerated Counselor Degrees

Whether you’re starting or advancing your career as a counselor, an accelerated master’s degree in counseling is one option to finish your degree in less time.